As the holiday approaches, how can foreign nationals extend the stay period of these 5 types of visas?

Recently, the immigration bureau released a message about how to extend the visa stay period for foreign nationals who are nearing the end of their visa stay but still have unfinished tasks in China?

For this matter, the immigration bureau has provided relevant suggestions: “If it is necessary to extend the stay period of the visa, an application should be made to the entry and exit management agency of the public security organ of the local people’s government at or above the county level in the place of stay 7 days before the expiration of the stated stay period on the visa, and relevant materials for the application reasons should be submitted according to the requirements. After examination, if the reasons for the extension are reasonable and sufficient, the stay period can be extended; if the stay period is not extended, the person should leave the country on schedule.”“

Many customers have provided feedback that there are no specific guidelines for processing materials. At the same time, considering that Christmas is approaching the Chinese New Year, many foreigners want to stay in China to experience the Chinese New Year, and some also want to gather with family and friends in China, after all, this is the first time they have reunited in China after the pandemic.

Here, we will introduce five types of regular visas and how to quickly apply for extension procedures.

Entering China with a business M visa

Foreigners who apply for a business visa to enter China usually receive a visa that allows them to stay within China for 30-180 days. However, due to the lack of consensus on the opening of business visas in various regions, some regions still issue single valid business visas. If the validity period is about to expire, coupled with the high number of Christmas travelers and busy processing of entry and exit appointments, it is recommended to contact the inviting unit in advance to assist in providing relevant materials and cooperate with the extension.

Proof materials required for visa extension application

When submitting proof letters issued by local invitation or reception units or individuals, unregistered units should also submit registration certificates. The stay period can be extended for no more than 180 days.

Holding a humanitarian stay T visa

Foreign nationals whose residency reasons have been terminated and they need to continue staying due to humanitarian reasons shall submit their residence permit and relevant supporting documents, and may issue a residence permit with a stay period not exceeding 30 days. Foreigners holding residence permits who, due to objective reasons, are unable to leave the country within the validity period of their residence permit, but whose visa is also valid during the holiday period, it is recommended to apply for an extension at the entry and exit of the country in advance. Due to the current relaxation of entry visa application requirements, the extension of stay visas will gradually be tightened. If there is no reasonable need to continue staying, it will face the inability to be accepted.

Therefore, if foreign nationals holding T visas need to continue staying and not leaving the country, it is recommended to apply for a work residence permit or a reunion residence permit as soon as possible.

Visiting relatives Q1Q2 visa

Hold Q1 visa (30 days) to enter the country. After entering the country, you can apply for a residence permit for long-term reunion at the registered residence or residence of the Chinese direct family members; However, for foreign nationals who still hold a Q2 visa for a single visit (60-180 days) and are unable to handle matters in a timely manner, they need to continue to stay for a period of time. You can try to apply for a Q2 visa extension (but as mentioned in the article, the renewal requirements for some visas will be further tightened after the entry visa is opened. It is recommended to understand in advance to avoid the risk of being unable to renew and having to reapply for a visa outside the country. In addition, some regions have gradually abolished the convenience of transferring to a long-term residence in Q2)

Proof materials required for applying for Q2 visa extension

Holders of a Q2 visa should submit a letter issued by the person being visited, proof of identity, and proof of family relationship when applying for an extension (it is recommended to apply for embassy level 3 or

Apostille in advance for family certification documents processed overseas, otherwise it may cause incomplete documents and result in the inability to renew normally). The stay period can be extended for no more than 180 days.

S visa for short-term private affairs

Foreign personnel working in China can apply for a short-term stay of 60-180 days for family visits. But if you plan to continue staying in China for a period of time, you can apply for a visa extension or a private affairs residence permit.

Proof materials required for visa extension application
Individuals holding an S2 visa and visiting relatives should submit a letter issued by the person being visited, a foreigner’s residence permit, and proof of family relationship. Other personnel should submit relevant certificates for handling personal affairs or for humanitarian reasons. For family visitors, the stay period can be extended for no more than 180 days, and for other individuals, the stay period can be extended for no more than 90 days.

L visa for tourism to China

L visa, issued to inbound tourists; Those who enter the country for tourism in the form of a group can issue a group L-visa.

Warm reminder
If you plan to continue staying in China for a period of time, it is recommended to inquire in advance whether the renewal requirements are met. Remember to bring valid documents and materials to the immigration bureau where you have applied for temporary residence to handle the extension and renewal procedures. If you cannot renew your visa, it is best to leave before the validity period. To avoid exceeding the deadline and affecting the qualification for applying for a visa to China.

Foreign nationals holding these 5 types of visas who wish to stay in China for a long time may consider applying for a reunion residence permit or a work residence permit:

Basic requirements for applying for a reunion residence permit:
· Provide domestic Chinese family members (such as children, parents, spouses, spouse parents, grandparents, grandparents, etc.)

· Provide proof of relationship with Chinese family members (birth certificate, marriage certificate, notarized certificate of direct family relationship, etc.)

Basic requirements for applying for a work residence permit:
1. They should be at least 18 years old, in good health, with no criminal record, have a confirmed employer within the country, and possess the necessary professional skills or corresponding knowledge level to engage in their work.
2. The work I am engaged in meets the needs of China’s economic and social development, and is in urgent need of professional personnel in the country.
3. If there are other provisions in laws and regulations regarding foreigners coming to work in China, they shall be followed.

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