How many days can an extension of a foreigner’s residence permit be processed?

There is no fixed deadline for the extension of a foreigner’s residence permit, as it depends on various factors such as whether the materials submitted by the applicant are complete, whether they meet the requirements, and the speed of review by the local public security exit and entry management department.

The following are some key points related to the extension processing time of foreign residence permits:

1. The application for extension of residence permit should be submitted 30 days before the expiration of the validity period of the residence permit. This means that foreigners need to plan in advance to ensure that they submit extension applications in sufficient time before the expiration of their residence permit.

2. Different types of visa extensions have different stay periods. For example, L-visa holders can extend their stay for no more than 30 days; M-visa holders can extend their stay for no more than 180 days; Holders of a Q2 visa can extend their stay for no more than 180 days (for family visitors) or 90 days (for other individuals); Holders of an X2 visa can extend their stay for up to 180 days. These regulations provide foreigners with a reference to the maximum possible duration for visa extensions.

3. Extend the stay period of the visa, and the cumulative stay period shall not exceed the original stated stay period on the visa. This means that even if a foreigner obtains a visa extension, their total stay time cannot exceed the maximum stay period stated on the original visa.

In summary, there is no fixed standard for the specific application time for extending a foreigner’s residence permit, but applicants need to submit their application within 30 days before the expiration of the residence permit and understand the possible maximum extension period based on the type of visa they hold. In addition, the applicant should ensure that the submitted materials are complete and meet the requirements during the application process to accelerate the review process.

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